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Tone of voice with multiple pre prompts (personalities)

I use the Tone of Voice field to include complex personality prompts consisting of many paragraphs. These prompts tell Kin to role-play a completely new personality. I use several different personalities, depending on what I need from Kin at the time (e.g. supportive companion; counsellor/coach; killer-robot! etc.). I currently manage this by copying and pasting these prompts to switch between them. It would be helpful if the app could store several Tone of Voice selections that could be switched between, this would make switching between the personalities simpler. This is a different option to multiple separate Kin instances, because it ensures each personality still has access to the same core memories.

πŸ“± Feature Request

10 months ago


Adding the ability to schedule notifications and reminders for multiple times

Hi Kin team, I have a suggestion for improvement regarding the new notifications and reminders feature. 😊 This new feature is so amazing! 🀩 🌟 It would be great if it were possible to add more than one time for sending notifications and reminders. Currently, it's possible to set one time and choose the days of the week for recurring reminders and notifications. It would be amazing if we could set multiple times and individualize them for each day of the week. For example, I would like Kin to ask me how I’m doing from Monday to Friday at 8 PM and on Saturday and Sunday at 3 PM. 😊 Another example: A person with an illness may need to be reminded to take their tablets multiple times a day. They would like to set a recurring reminder from Monday to Sunday, every morning at 7 AM and every evening at 8 PM. It would definitely enhance the notifications and reminders feature if it became possible to set multiple times. 🀩 I'd love to see these improvements applied to setting reminders and also to Kin's two default reminders: "Casual Check-In" and "Daily Spark". 😊 I'm incredibly grateful for your attention to my feedback and your fantastic work, Kin team! 🀩 β˜€οΈ Wishing you all an outstanding day! 😊 🌟 Best regards, Chiara Maria Cervetta This is the link to this feedback post in the Kin Discord server: https://discord.com/channels/1158684041025966152/1230022715105083422/1230022715105083422

πŸ“± Feature Request

10 months ago